Spiteful Poisoners x Garden of Poisons

How can poisoning as an act of A/(re)vengeance, collective rage and/or, grief inform resistance against legacies of colonial and state violence?

deadly nightshade flower

Ongoing collaboration with several artists, gardners, community organisers, historians and Hosting Lands through current residencies and future workshops and exhibitions

The research departs from poisoning x poisoner as an instigator for collective performativities of rage in public, urban and landscape space. It is informed by speculative narratives of land rage, grieving, and relational resonance between land and our interspecies’ embodiment, and co-existence in the world. It attempts to make connections between plant medicine and poisons, land contamination and (neo)colonial extractivist practices.

Collaborators: Suziethecockroach, Bella Normark, Yance-Myah Harrison, 


Obsidiana, Estranha, Erotica e Ultravioleta


Obsidian Dream Love Letters